Crocheted Kitchen Towel

A friend of mine asked me to make her some of these for her daughter. I looked at all the different patterns available and made my own.

Note the pattern varies by how many holes you make in the top of the towel, be flexible. Move a stitch here or there till you end up with the last row being a double crochet, V-stitch, V-stitch, double crochet, before you start your single crochet rows.

Items Needed:
1" Buttons
Kitchen Towels
Skill level: Easy
Hook Size:  #8 (H) & #1
Yarn: Red Heart Super Saver, worsted, medium, #4
Stitches Used:  Slip Stitch, Chain, Single crochet, Double crochet
Awl - I used a wood working awl

V-Stitch: Dbl, ch 1, Dbl, in same stitch

Fold your towel in half and insert pins across the top to give yourself a nice edge.

Using an Awl poke 2 to 3 holes a 1/4 inch down from the top of the fabric and 1/4 inch apart. Don't get carried away poking holes, they close up fast, so only do a couple at a time.

Row 1: Take your #1 hook an insert thru the first hole, place beginning loop on hook and pull thru. Yarn over and pull thru stitch, put hook thru next hole, pull yarn thru hole and existing stitch on hook, repeat to end of towel.

Row 2: Ch 3 and turn, *V-Stitch into 2nd stitch from the hook, Dbl in 2nd stitch from the hook, *repeat to end of row

Row 3: Ch 3 and turn, Dbl into the first V-stitch, V-Stitch in every V-stitch, except last V-stitch which is a Dbl and Dbl in Ch 3 stitch.

Row 4: Repeat Row 2

Row 5: Repeat Row 3

OR - Repeat rows as necessary until last row is as follows

Ch 3, V-stitch, V-stitch, Dbl.


Ch1, SC in space between Dbl's, 2 SC in V-stitch, in space between Dbl's, you should have 7 SC total.

Repeat 7 SC for 17 rows.

Single crochet around the outside edge to finish edge and stabilize.

Attach 1" Buttons to finish.



  1. This is an awesome pattern! Thanks for sharing it!! =]


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