Dots & Dash Scarf

Dots & Dash Scarf
Skill level:         Beginner to Intermediate
Hook Size:        H, I, or J.
Yarn:                 Red Heart, worsted, medium, #4
Stitches Used:   Chain, Slip stitch, Single crochet, Double crochet

Row 0:    Chain (ch) 13

Row 1:    * In 5th chain make 1 double (dc) crochet, ch 1,
                repeat to end *

Row 2:    Ch 2, *dc in open space, dc in next stitch (st), repeat to end*
                end dc goes into 2nd ch st

Row 3:    Ch 3, *skip st, dc, ch, repeat to end,* end dc goes into
                2nd ch st

Repeat:    Row 2 and then Row 3, for as many rows as you like.

My rule of thumb is to make the scarf as long as the recipient is tall.
Kids about about 54" and adults about 70".


Grab a 6" book, starting at the spine wrap yarn around the width of the
book. You will need 30 pieces, so go 30 times around the book.
Cut along the side of the book you started on, you should now have 30
pieces. Using 3 pieces in each open space, fold fringe in half,
insert looped end through a space and put ends through the loop, tighten.


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