Scrunchie - Pattern

Skill level: Beginner
Hook Size: H, I, or J.
Yarn: Red Heart, worsted, medium, #4
Stitches Used: Chain, Slip stitch

Make a loop, take the loop off you hook and put it through the middle of your scrunchie band, put hook back through your loop.

Row 1:    Slip Stitch around band, next Single Crochet around the
                band as many times as needed so you can't see the band,
                Slip Stitch into first Single Crochet.

Row 2: *Chain 10 or more stitches and Slip Stitch in the top of the
               next Slip Stitch, repeat*, when you get to the beginning,
               Slip Stitch and hide the ends.

I did 10 chains and then 15 chains in the sample.


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